The second day of April in 2022 was a day of Gudi Padwa (Malati New Year) in India. At 4 p.m Mumbai time, chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray officiated at a grand ceremony to open two lines and roll out the vehicle carrying operation in Maharashtra for Mumbai metro line 2&7, which attracted national attention.
As a provider of vehicle passenger information system, Suzhou Huaqi Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd created the greatest moment again. Since operation of Pune metro in early March 2022, it has been the second opening metro program following. Since then, four lines, of 9 metro projects in India gained by Huaqi intelligent, has been put into operation quietly and firmly and has improved the travel experience of the Indian public hugely.
Huaqi intelligent gained this project in the year of 2019. With the suffering of COVID-19 and delays caused by act of God, Huaqi intelligent completed the design, development and production delivery of vehicle PIS system on time by working hard and overcoming many difficulties. The customers once joyfully said that there is no PIS except in Huaqi, and no program except in Mumbai. On the one hand, it shows the Mumbai project is very difficult; On the other hand, the excellence and hard work of Huaqi intelligence is also fully affirmed. During more than two years of developing and optimizing, this greatest moment finally come back again.
The successful opening of Mumbai metro line 2&7 project further solidifies the firm pace of Huaqi intelligent in the Indian market, and become a stage result of responding to the call of "One Belt,One Road" and the excellence and hard work of Huaqi. Although the road to development is full of obstacles and long, we will get there if we take action. And If we keep doing this, our future will be much better.
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